Here Are 4 Ways to Benefit from Email Automation

The rise of email has been helpful to marketers across industries and companies of various sizes. It connects brands on a personal level to their consumers and customers, from simple transactional emails—like a receipt—or more complex communications—like timed emails in a well-ordered workflow.

Email automation, or workflows, allow marketers to set up a series of emails that get sent out either when a contact is inputted manually or when triggered by a contact’s action. A workflow can vary in length and complexity, and its main purpose is to provide value for the receipient. It is also a very helpful tool in a modern marketer’s toolbox. Here are four benefits of adding email automation into your marketing strategy.

It Works in the Background

When using a product like HubSpot, or any other marketing automation platform, you can easily have a set of emails that are triggered to automatically send when a user fills out a form, opens an earlier email, or changes lifecycle stages. The system can take care of the rest, so you can be assured that your contacts are getting the right information at the right time.

Set up notifications so you can monitor key aspects of the workflow, such as clicking a specific call to action or completing a goal, without having to remind yourself to check. Once a contact has reached a goal (like downloading a specific offer or opening a set number of emails), be sure to reach out with a personalized email or call.

It’s Customizable

With an email automation sequence, you can be as broad or as specific as you like: you can segment for specific personas or lifecycle stages, create a complex path with many branches, or simply set up an email newsletter that sends out the most recent blog posts. The possibilities are almost endless with the software resources available.

It’s Adjustable

Use the ability to see how users have interacted with the emails in the automation to your advantage. Did people drop off after a certain email? A/B test it to see how it can improve for future viewers. Was a click rate far beyond what you expected? See if you can use the same email elsewhere and if it will drive results there as well. You can add in more steps if consumers need more time throughout their buyer’s journey.

It Takes Contacts Down the Funnel

An email automation sequence should lead your contacts further down the funnel toward purchasing your product or services. Use content, either new or previously developed, that answers questions users would have as they come closer and closer to buying.

The real benefit of email automation mostly lies in how well and how often you take advantage of it. It can educate those who are just starting to look for your product, influence consumers who are need of your service, or maintain a relationship with customers. Workflows shouldn’t be the only way you’re communicating with your audience, but it can do a lot of the heavy lifting, allowing you time to focus on developing personal connections.

Want to learn more about email marketing? Read our free guide to find out how to take advantage of email best practices for your next email automation campaign.


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