Back to School: Start Planning Holiday Marketing NowBack-to-school time reminds marketers that the holiday season will be here very soon. Brand recognition is important, especially during the high-buying holiday months. The more familiar consumers are with your name and what you sell or the service you provide, the more likely they are to turn to your company when making their buying decision.

And contrary to popular belief, Cyber Monday isn’t just about products. Fiscal years end, flex benefits expire, tax write-offs are due, and memberships need renewal. So even if your business is the B2B, healthcare, real estate, or service industries, you can benefit from holiday marketing.

For the small business or non-profit marketer, now is the time to formulate a holiday marketing strategy. Find your customers or members where they are, no matter what medium you use.

TV Commercials

With the increasing personalization of mobile video ads, most marketers forget about TV ads, which are still valuable. With the advent of DVR and on-demand, it’s not as common for viewers to watch programmed TV when it first airs. The exception seems to be live TV, where not only is it necessary to watch the event, but sit through commercials so as not to miss anything. Want to market to the sports enthusiast? Snag a local slot during an end-of-the-season Cubs or Sox game, or an early season Bears or Bulls game. Awards shows are also a good time to capitalize on a captive audience.

Transit ads

In 2013, there were about 1.7 million transactions across the CTA on an average workday. While not all passengers will see every ad on every train or bus, there’s still value in promoting your brand across the city. Give them a way to interact with your company on their mobile device. Allow those busy commuters to engage with your company right from their seat.

Postcard direct mailings

Traditional advertising methods are becoming increasingly cast aside for newer modes of digital marketing, but that doesn’t mean traditional methods aren’t still effective. Direct-mailing promotions and coupons can be beneficial, especially as bright and colorful mailings can stand out against the white envelopes of bills. Don’t be afraid to have fun with the mailing, while also being informative.

Email marketing

Perhaps the biggest email your company will send all year will be the Cyber Monday deal. When sending the email, it’s okay to include Cyber Monday in the subject line and use words like “savings,” “discounts,” “offers,” paired with words like “massive,” “big,” “huge.” Use emotional words to stand out in a consumer’s inbox and get the open. It’s also okay to send out a late-in-the-day email that this huge sales is going on. That way you can stay at the top of the inbox and get in front of subscribers who overlooked your email the first time.

It’s easy to put off thinking about the holidays when it’s barely even fall and we’re still making summer memories. But soon you’ll hear holiday music in stores and see decorations down every aisle. And then it’s too late.

There are less than three months to Cyber Monday. Are you ready?

Sign up here for a free holiday marketing assessment and see how you measure up.


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